Published On: November 5, 2022

18 thoughts on “Chapter 11 – Page 01

  1. Finally back everyone! Let’s go see what happens.

  2. Welcome back everyone! Let’s go see what happens.

    1. There’s a reason why I’ve been quiet for so long. Let’s see what happens shall we?

  3. So how long you do a paper.

  4. Hello??? Wait…CATHY PLANNED THIS??? You can even see Audrey’s raised eyebrow acknowledging her . Well we know she’s real. Ok so either Cathy is reversing the timeline or creating it. And she knows Angel is going to suffer. May I also add those clothes are very out of character for Audrey? Looks like she’s in…oh God club wear. Audrey’s luring Angel back to her. Audrey needs to be careful though. If angel is caught with April and Alfred, she might be screwed.
    Remember, Cathy knows she’ll die soon. I’m chapter 3 she says she doesn’t know how long she’ll be alive for, and in ch 10, we see in the book romi picked up, we see her sick in that same bed with a “miss you” text implying she passed somewhere around that year. So if this serves us anything, That scrapbook Romi picked up belongs to Audrey.
    Now it all makes sense. The reason Cathy was at the pool was to quell Angel. I hope your able to take in some radiation for what I’m about to tell you all: Audrey and Cathy, are a team. It explains Audrey outside of Angels hospital bed, and later on how Cathy managed to break him free from the hospital. Cathy works as an inside partner while Audrey does the dirty work. This also explains Cathy’s overall knowledge of Angel after meeting him, Audrey gave her the Intel. Coupled with Cathy’s weird condition to be an oracle, you have a pretty solid tandem. It all makes sense…God was I wrong.
    -So says the LTRG
    ***I’ll take this as my 3 weeks late birthday present***

    1. I love what you said here about Audrey and Cathy. I don’t know if she’s trying to follow the dystopian reality or prevent it. She said “another dream” so is pretty clear she’s had multiple. Maybe one of em is positive?

    2. 1 page in and LTRG is already bringing out all of this. How i missed this.

  5. Does Cathy have the same virus that Angel, Ellie, and Benedict has/had?

    1. I’m going to say no, because Angel, Benedict, and Bryce haven’t shown any signs of these future seeing dreams or anything. Raises the question of what she does have and if this was given to her, of if she was born with it. I’ll not lie, at first I thought it was like HIV because Benedict raped her of sum, but she next level tripping to the point she sees the future.
      But the thing with chapter 7 happened with angel in a makeshift “heaven” and I have no clue how Cathy managed to drag him there when he was sleeping. It all seems very Freddy Krueger (and I know for a FACT bbmbbf loves nightmare on elm street). This coupled with her chapter 10 visions, it’s all very weird.

  6. So are Audrey and Cathy like that? Goals ig but what’s her intent
    Happy to see y’all back 😁😁😁

  7. It’s been a while but i’m glad its back. The way how Cathy is talking about bringing Angel there is as though he still under influence of something. But i would wonder what she has at the hospital that would convince Angel the right chain of events.


  9. ^^^we’ve made it to Chapter 11^^^
    ^^the wait is over^^

  10. are these pages gonna be scheduled weekly? like when are we gonna get a new one?
    Happy as hell that we’re back. Can’t wait for the title page to drop and for everything.
    Starjack, JJ, and LTRG breathe easy, the mystery of cathy’s existence has been solved (somewhat) She Exists!!!

    1. I heard a popular rumor (I don’t believe it, but still) that Cathy was a figment of Angel’s imagination. Glad to know that this is not something that happened.

      1. likewise

  11. Boy… Brown Hair… Green Eyes
    That is both Angel and Bryce, who both have the virus

  12. Pero el destino a punta que es Angel, Lo cual quiere decir que el es que debe salvar al mundo…

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